Tuesday, November 15, 2011

My Trip to Planet Hillcrest

The day started off very normal in the shower washing my four legs then my ten ears on our Planet Boopie. I left to go see what those Hillcrest bots do on their planet and report it back to my friends, like it was planed, me Acromob left in my favourite ship the Star Blaster listening to my favourite tunes. ‘Boom’ the ship landed and I walked out and right in front of me the two eyed Hillcrest bots.

A loud annoying screeching noise comes out of well I don’t know where and the bots start marching into the huge building, so I follow. The bots have some big colourful back sort of things and they put them on a holding thing device. After they go put their bottoms on blue weird shaped objects.

All of the bots go in their large arm rest’s and take a colourful flat square shaped objects. All of the bots have pointy sticks that jot down on the flat squares all of the bots ideas.

The screeching noise comes on again and all of the bots get up and grab their colourful back objects, they leave and I follow them. They walk onto some big yellow beast and the beast eats them and the gas comes out of the back so I freaked. I ran as fast as I could and jumped on the star blaster and I was gone.

“Boom” the ship landed on Boopie and I was safe I told my friends about the trip and I said that I won’t volunteer for the next mission, and I was glad to be safe.

THE END!!!!!!!!

By: Shelby


  1. shelby i loved it so much espeacially the ending.

  2. Shelby i liked it when you where very descriptive on Acromob body parts.

  3. shelby I like how you described your alein. from krishna

  4. Shelby, I love the beginning when the alien is in the shower.

  5. shelby i thought the ending was funny
